Support videos
Bizz Profile
Here you find support videos for Bizz Profile.

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How to...
How to Download a CV in Profile
In this video we go through how you can download a CV, the different templates to choose from and show how our standard CV template looks like.
How to Customize a CV download
In this video we will show you how to easily customize a CV before being downloaded. Either through the presentation of skills and/or through the showcased assignments.
How to adjust a CV before being sent to a customer
In this video we go through how you can modify and enhance a CV based on different assignments requests and needs from a customer. You create copies of CV's and these different versions are saved and stored in "My folder".

How to select CVs to send to customers
In this video we go through how to select and send one or more different CV's to your customer eftortless through one link. This has GDPR benefits and a truly recommended functionality.
How to find saved adjusted CVs
In this video we go through how you can find your different created modofoed copies of CV's through accessing "My folder".
How does preferred skills work in Profile
In this video you get an overview on how Preferred Skills work in Profile. The user can highlight skills or methods in which they want to improve or work further with, for everyone in the company to see.
How does the search function work in Profile
In this video the search function is described and how everyone in the company can work smoothly with that.