Getting more inquiries and want to grow a subcontractor network?
Try Bizz Subcontractor

Grow your competence pool with external consultants
Do you get more inquiries than you can handle and need to find more skilled consultants? A subcontractor network can be the solution.
Maximize your business potential by scouting and adding great subcontractor competencies to your network.
Manage invited professional's profiles and respond to assignment requests with the subcontractors' profiles in your company's unique CV templates.

Base your decision on transparent and real time data.
One hub for all consultant profiles
Easy access to all profiles in your company, both internal and subcontractors. Smooth onboarding of new employees or subcontractors. Logic search functionality for specific roles, skills, and accessibility in the database

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Base your decision on transparent and real time data.
All subcontractor CVs, online and always available
One hub for all consultant profiles
Subcontractors CVs available online and easily accessible for all, not hidden on desktops or in excel-files -
Smooth onboarding
Invite subcontractors to your network by e-mail or QR-code. -
Secure the quality of the network
Scan invited candidates and approve the consultants that fulfill your needs

Group subcontractor to offer client
Create consultant teams
Plan and prepare team offers, including subcontractors to customers/clients.
By adding Bizz Profile*, you can mix both internal and external consultants. -
Prepare for future client needs
Plan for future client needs by building the subcontractor network and skills you need to stay relevant

Flexible profile presentation
Design your unique CV:s
Use multiple profile templates to enhance your consultant's CV to best match your clients' needs. -
Client enhanced profiles
Fine-tune the consultant's CV:s for different client or assignment demands. Easier to promote specific roles or skills in the subcontractors CV. The original CV is kept intact.

Share subcontractor CVs Online with clients
Flexible CV-format
Present the subcontractor profiles in Word or pdf via mail but in your company's CV template -
Share CV:s online
Easy to share online by sending a link to the client or internally to review profiles online. -
Invite clients
Invite clients/customers to search your subcontractor network.

One hub for all consultant profiles
Easy access to all profiles in your company, both internal and subcontractors. Smooth onboarding of new employees or subcontractors. Logic search functionality for specific roles, skills, and accessibility in the database

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fringilla ultricies malesuada. Ut erat odio, pharetra at viverra a, tincidunt vitae nibh.

Get ALL consultants in one tool and presented in company branded CV template.
When combining Bizz Subcontractor & Bizz Profile, you can manage both internal and external consultants in one tool. Offer mixed teams to meet your clients' needs best. A better overview of your network of competence will help plan for future recruitment needs.
Learn how to maximize your business potential by mixing internal & external consultants in one tool.
Bizz Subcontractor
Billed Monthly
Bizz subcontractor includes up to 25 subcontractor profiles, if your subcontractor network includes more than 25 profiles please contact sales.
Bizz Subcontractor
Billed Yearly
Bizz subcontractor includes up to 25 subcontractor profiles, if your subcontractor network includes more than 25 profiles please contact sales.
See Bizzcoo in action
Book a demo if you want to have a closer look at the module Bizz SUBCONTRACTOR and how the other modules in Bizzcoo can support your consultant business.
- Bizz Profile - the hub for 100% control of your internal consultants
- Bizz Planner - get a better overview of your business by smart resource planning, reporting, and forecasting.
Consultant manager
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et sem nec ex vestibulum ullamcorper quis a magna.
Sales manager
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et sem nec ex vestibulum ullamcorper quis a magna.
Management team
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et sem nec ex vestibulum ullamcorper quis a magna.